One thing I love is taking in content – whether that be books, podcasts, or other resources – that points me to Jesus. And, I love exchanging excellent resources with others. Because of that I’ve put together this page of some of my favorite books, ministries, blogs, and podcasts that have been an encouragement to me in various spheres of my life. Many of them are women-specific, but some are “general” ones that have made a significant impact on me. I hope this will be a helpful and inspiring list for you, too.
[I’ve also added a few “extra” recommendations that aren’t necessarily for spiritual growth, but some of my favorite life things ;). And check back every once-in-a-while for new faves]
Books (general)
Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin
Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
The Set-Apart Woman by Leslie Ludy
Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot
Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
The Bravehearted Gospel by Eric Ludy
Wrestling Prayer by Eric and Leslie Ludy
When God Writes Your Life Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy
Bonhoeffer by Eric Mataxis
In His Image by Jen Wilkin
The Feminist Mistake by Mary Kassian
Lies Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer
Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl’s Heart by Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal
Friend-ish by Kelly Needham
Comparison Girl by Shannon Popkin
Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson
Fight Your Fears by Kristen Wetherell
You Who by Rachel Jankovic
The Right Kind of Confident by Mary Kassian
Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham
Another Gospel? by Alisa Childers
Tactics by Greg Koukl
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nail Qureshi
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Set-Apart Girl with Leslie Ludy
He Restores My Soul with Jani Ortlund
Risen Motherhood with Laura Wifler and Emily Jensen
Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey
Just Thinking with Darrel Harrison and Virgil Walker
The Alisa Childers Podcast with Alisa Childers
Set-Apart Girl
Wholehearted Quiet Time
Well-Watered Women
Desiring God
Heroic Life Discipleship
Revive Our Hearts
Girl Defined
Bible Study Resources
True Woman 101: Devine Design from Revive Our Hearts
TruthFilled by Ruth Chou Simons
Redefined from Well-Watered Women
Give Me Jesus Journal from Well-Watered Women
Quiet Time Companion from Wholehearted Quiet Time
Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full by Gloria Furman
Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic
Set-Apart Motherhood by Leslie Ludy
Dear Mama, Devotional by Well-Watered Women
Together: Growing Appetites for God by Carrie Ward
Parenting by Paul David Tripp
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp
Instructing a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp
Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler
Expect Something Beautiful by Laura Booz
What Did You Expect? by Paul David Tripp
This Momentary Marriage by John Piper
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
You and Me Forever by Francis and Lisa Chan
Children’s Books
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
God’s Very Good Idea by Trillia Newbell
The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross by Carl Laferton
The Friend Who Forgives by Daniel DeWitt
The Storm that Stopped by Alison Mitchell
Little Pilgrim’s Big Journey: John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress Fully Illustrated & Adapted for Kids
pregnancy/Baby Items
Redeeming Childbirth by Angie Tolpin
Engraced Motherhood (Doula page that offers some wonderful ideas for pregnancy)
Staple Baby Items
Aden and Anais Swaddling Blankets
Portable Napper
Nursing/Carseat cover
High Chair
Ergo Baby Carrier (works best for babies out of the newborn stage)
Maternity clothes
Old Navy
Pink Blush
Clothes Mentor (has great second-hand maternity options)