“Even for people who have a really great pregnancy, it is nine months of need. And that need is designed to first and foremost point you to the greatest Need-Meeter Jesus… but so often the Lord meets our needs through people.” – Erin Davis
This is a snippet taken from my conversation with Erin Davis on the topic of Pregnancy and Community. It is vitally important that we are intentional about being a part of Christian community, and maybe especially so when you’re in a vulnerable season (like pregnancy). This is a topic I specifically included in Expectant because I have seen both the beauty and strength of being in regular fellowship with other believers, and I have also seen the lack of fortitude when I am not.
I’m so grateful Erin was able to join me for this conversation, as I’ve seen her encourage Christ-centered community in many ways through her ministry to women. Erin shared a whole lot of wisdom on this subject, so if you haven’t had a chance to watch it hop on over to my Instagram. Or, share it with someone who would be blessed by it!
If you are reading this, know that I am thankful for you.
Your friend,
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